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Tax Offers & Promotions

Tax season is here again. At RGB Accounting we know how difficult may be for individuals and business owners to deal with all the paperwork involved with tax filing. Our team of highly skilled and seasoned tax preparation professionals will be happy to help you going through the process with ease. Special price for new clients.

Personal Taxes 


Take advantage of our great price for Individual Tax (singles, couples, families, students, dependants, and seniors)


Call us to get a quote


All Individual Tax packages include:

Unlimited number of income slips
• Unlimited medical expenses 

• Scholarships

• Student loan interest

• Tuition & Education amounts


Business Taxes


Great price for self-employed, sole-proprietorships, entrepreneurs,  and small businesses owners


Call us to get a quote


All Business Tax packages include:

• Business/Professional/Commision income
• Capital gains deduction

• Capital gains 
• Capital loses from previous years
• Partnership income/losses
• Rental income

Corporate Taxes


Best price for professional and small business corporations with or without employees


Call us to get a quote


All Corporate Tax packages include:

• Business/Professional/Commision income
• Capital gains deduction

• Capital gains 
• Capital loses from previous years
• Partnership income/losses
• Foreign income

• Rental income

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